Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DIGI Promotion Advertisement

Disagree with the concept and idea of the DIGI radio advertisement

I had listern a Chinese radio advertisement from MY FM radio last week. The advertisement is about the DIGI promotion.

I feel like not so agree with the concept and ideas of this radio’s advertisement. The advertisement was like this: a woman was keep on calling to everybody and announced that his son was geeting NO1 in his exam. She can call to many ppl because of the lower price form DIGI.

As my opinion, this is WRONG!! i feel like this is encourage people to show off their "GOOD THINGS" to everybody. It will make people to be more focus on their children result performance, but not their attitude and daily performance!!

My suggestion is : now a days, more and more ppl would like to send message to friends while need help. For example: blood donation, kidnap etc…. Why not we can apply this concept to that advertisement?? so that we can passing the benefits of using DIGI in more positive and effective way rather than just showing off their own "PROUD"!!

1 comment:

  1. H hi.. visiting ur blog!! Wow, i'm also using DIGI, nice post! just followed ur blog and clicked on ur ads.. hahas
    have a great sunday yea!
